Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back to school

I’m back in school. Cisco. What more can be said? I will now proceed to bang my head against the wall until, either, my brains fall out and land with a satisfying, plate full of spaghetti splat, and they put me in a nice little box, or until my blood drips to the ground in a nice, hierarchical ,orderly, meticulously numbered and documented pattern.

While I understand the need to learn how to do sub-netting by hand, I also know that if I want to drive a nail, I use a hammer that I bought at my favorite slice of retail hell, not fire up the forge and make one from scratch. Likewise, if I want to create 500 hosts within a class B network, I am not going to sit down with paper and pen and get to cipherin’ like Jethro Bodine. Instead, I, like any other higher mammal, will reach for my trusty subnet calculator and have every thing done in a timely manner. As the wise man said “time is money”. Ah ha!! Screams the naysayer, “What if you have no sub-net calculator”?(ever notice this argument never applies to hamburgers? “but what if you have no grocery store …..” ) Well to them I say, “ If you have no access to a sub-net calculator, you have much bigger problems to worry about” ( For some reason I just pictured this conversation being held in a Victorian drawing room by those two Guinness beer guys. Brilliant!!)

All this anger is really just the result of me being very frustrated. When I left class today I was sure I had this cold. Much to my surprise I did not. When I sat down to do my homework, the part of my brain responsible for sub-netting decided to have an aneurism. I wonder if all that carousing I did in the Army is coming back to haunt me? After several hours of research on the net, all I accomplished was the consumption of one rather large plate of pasta and shrimp, a blinding headache, and not one damn problem solved. I hope I can get my head straightened out tomorrow. I know I can do this.

On the plus side of things, I was at least able to help my mother with her P.C. problems over the phone.

I wanted the first post in this new blog to be something rather profound; a new blog, a new year, and all that. As it turns out, it’s just like the byline….. a pile of fetid dingo’s kidneys.

Until later.