Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still here

Short one just to let the few folks who read this know I'm still alive.

Whats been up

1. Back in school. Last quarter of cisco.
2. Installed ubuntu on my eeepc. It now dual boots windows and ubuntu.
3. W.o.W. III. Shoulder hurt. Not much fighting for me. Got a new (for me) klappvisor bascinet ( the helm not crib).
4. Brother and his wife are having a baby. (I still prefer dogs but sometimes wonder)
5.Started on a pair of Wisby gauntlets.
6. Soaze problems cause allot of my lower back pain. (Thanks Humpty for fixing it)
7. Dreaming of Alaska.
8. Gota realize I can't save all the stray dogs in the world.